PART :SECOND

Lord Krishna guiding Prince Arjuna.

  So in the last post I proposed my First Thoery of The Mahabharat.In this one I'll propose another shocking thoery of the Mahabharat by me.
    Now,approving the geniunity of The Mahabharat many Brahmins and Saints have linked "SCIENCE" with "MAHABHARAT" which if we see carefully we find out that they follow a similar analogy. For example, A 'Bramhastra' - a Divine celestial weapon capable of destroying a entire race of mankind can be compared to a modern day 'Nuclear Bomb'.Many such analogies have been developed .Though we don't have enough evidence but as we say in Science we cannot rule out any possibility.
         In this thoery,the statement is that if we study deeply into the Mahabharat we will find out many shocking discoveries made by people in that Era.The possibility of Mahabharat's incidents taking place cannot be neglected. Apart from being a religious book it truely serves as a 'Guide' for 'How live a perfectly practical life'.The Holy      "Bhagvad Gita" by Lord Krishna can teach Life Lessons to a person of any age category.The Bhagvad Gita is the best Philosophical Book.All this knowledge at a time when there is prediction that there was no technological advancements.                          Also the level of Politics,the strategies of war,war weapons were of advance technologies as predicted by some thoerists.
Some even believe involvement of EXTRATERRESTRIAL CREATURES in these events.
        There are many such awesome theories that shock our mind.They make us beieve that something that is not in our control is the past and our future.
         Such epics though belongs to one religion but teaches and preaches best of the philosphies and traits a human should follow.
    Lastly I would like to say that whatever The Mahabharat is a secret or sacred it is an asset to mankind which we should passover to next generations to tell them about the glorious and supposedly our Past .
        -Prathamesh Akole


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