One of the best mystery cases in the World even more interesting than the Sherlock Holmes Cases-'The Tashkent Case'.
      This case is a ultra classifed case under the Central Government which involves the untimely and mysterious death of then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri,one of the most honest and hard working Prime Minister of India.
      It starts with Mr.Shastri going to Tashkent,U.S.S.R to sign Tashkent Accord on 10th January,1966.After signing the treaty he comes back to his Villa appointed to him at 4 pm.Mohammad Jan,personal cook of Mr.TN Kaul,Indian Ambassador to U.S.S.R.
     Now then at 11.30pm he drinks a glass of milk by Md.Jan again.This seems illogical because milk could be provided to Mr.Shastri by other Russian Cooks at his service at the Villa.Why did Md.Jan specifically give milk to him ?
     Now he goes off to sleep after drinking milk.Suddenly at 1.25-1.30am he started coughing severely.Now next suspicious thing is that there was no telecom in his room.What?How's this even possible? A VIP guest without a Intercom in his room.Isn't it suspicious?
    Now Mr.Shastri himself goes out and asks the servants to call Dr.RN Chugh,his personal doctor.Till Dr.Chugh arrived Mr.Shastri was on verge of death.Dr.Chugh was crying and Mr.Shastri reportedly died infront of him.
    The mysteries in this case have just started.Lets number them:

1.Blue Spots and cuts on his body:It was reported by Mr.Shastri's Mother that his body had blue coloured wounds and suspected that he was poisoned.But contarary to this his death was announced as a natural death and reason being "an acute Cardiac Arrest".

2.No Autopsy:This case is suspected to be the biggest coverup of Independent India.This was the most suspecting part.Russians offered an autopsy but Indian Government declined.Also Shastriji's Mother demanded anpost-mortem but was not accepted.The biggest question is WHY?What was the reason that autopsy of an Indian PM didn't take place even if the prima facie told everybody that it wasn't a natural death.

3.Russians suspected:It seems so illogical that Russian would have killed Mr.Shastri because The KBG offered a autopsy in which if the Russians were caught then it would have been an advantage for US as it was time of Cold War and Russia wouldn't want to give US a reason to overpower them.

4.Blood? Reports say that there eas blood all over his bed and also it was gushing out of his stomach.Mr.Shastri's Grandson says he still has late PM's bloodstained cap.This clearly indicated a well planned murder.

5.Indira Gandhi or CIA or somebody else:CIA and Indira Gandhi were suspected of murdering Mr.Shastri but not officially.Indira Gandhi was the next Prime Minister this is enough to suspect her involvement in this conspiracy.CIA was the most powerful organisation known for overthrowing powerful foriegn leaders.

6.Subhash Chandra Bose found? 

  Mr.Shastri on his calls to his home said that he would be meeting someone special.Also he was staunch believer that Subhash Babu were alive contradicting the belif of Congress.The Congress might have been afraid that if Subhash Babu comes back they would surely lose power in Centre.So it might be the INC's conspiracy since Subhash Babu did not favour Congress.Also some pictures during the accord signing show a mysterious person looking similar to Subhash Bose.This fuels this theory.

7.File Closed! Answering many RTI applications related to Tashkent Case Centre said that they had only one classified file related to the case which is strange and also they had no record of damage or theft.This is really unusual.

    This case has now made its place into the minds of people reason being the latest movie "The Tashkent Files".
    Whatever be the reason the death of such a great leader is still a great loss for us.It is also true that there has been an unsuccessful attempt to cover up his death but fortunately Indian are smarter than they look.
    I hope in future the truth reveals and the accused dead or alive should be named.Shastriji rests in peace at Vijay Ghat.A true hero,freedom fighter and leader of masses "TAKE A BOW".

Information Credits:
1.Anuj Dhar - "Your Prime Minister is Dead"
3.Britannica Encyclopedia
4.Other websites.


  1. Cool info.... Quite good research....

    1. Thank You.
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  2. Superb Buddy....Waiting for more such blogs.


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