THE UNKNOWN NINE

     The most mysterious thing the World has heard of will be 'The Nine Unknown Men' or "The Nine".
     We all have heard about 'Samrat Ashoka'- Great King in India.His brilliance in Governing and Warfare was unparalled.The Great Battle of Kalinga in 226 BC changed the world for him.He killed nealy 1,00,000 opposition troops and another 2,00,000 villagers.This destruction awakened his humanity.He banned violence.And he knew if the destruction science went in the hands of the evil the world will get destroyed.
       He then summoned the Nine most intelligent people of India and created a secret society called 'The Nine'.
        Each of them was given a book,which had to be updated and safeguarded from the outside world.They also had to select a successor for them.This was I think his lesson from Buddhism which made him think for the future generations.He also gave them freehold to shape the culture and control the politics of India for the betterment of people.
      The contents of the booknwhich they posses have not been known but Talbot Mundy in 1923 released a book name 'The Nine Unknown Men' and mention the probable 9 subjects of the Nine Books.
1.Propaganda or Warfare
2.Physiology or Medicine
      I will discuss what would be in these secret books as predicted by ancient theorists.
       Propaganda or Warfare may talk about the advance weapons and the advance technology of Rama Empire qhich he wanted untouched.I will also talk about the Rama Empire in next post.
        Physiology could contain medicinal information which was comparatively advanced than the era.Also the cholera vaccine which Ashoka controlled during his regime would have been mentioned.
         Microbiology may contain the info about the secret researches he allowed.
         The Book of Alchemy may contain the Science of Metallurgy and Chemistry.
         The Book of Communication as predicted may have info on how to communicated with extraterrestrial beings.
         The Book of Gravity of Aerophysics may contain the info on 'Vaimanik Shastra'-Areoplane Theory.
         The Book of Cosmology may conatian the information about the 'Time Travel'.
         The Book of Light might enclose within itself the science of controlling speed of light and using it as a weapon.
         The Book of Sociology may contain guidelines of how the Nine should shape the culture and the politics of the country.
         All this is probability because the knowledge was so imporatant that King Ashoka has to create a secret society to protect them.
         It is also predicted that "The Nine" is still active after almost 2000 years and still controlling India's future for the good.
         Some also believe that the "RSS"-Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh conceals the truth of "The Nine" within them.

         All the mysteries are only probable so their truth is still not known.Also its better the secrets kept hidden if the Legend is true for the better of the Human Race.
         I will talk about connection of Rama Empire with Emperor Ashoka and why he wanted to preserve the secrets of Rama Empire in next post.
         - Prathamesh Akole.


  1. From where r u taking all the context ......

    1. This all content is written after research from various books and websites of famous theorists and writer.I will surely mention credits the next time.Thanks for highlighting the need. Thank You

  2. This is really interesting.....


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