The Mahabharat , the World's Oldest Epic has been a reason for debates and discussion forums.The Mahabharat is a religious text to the Hindus.Many thoerists believe that The Mahabharat may be the oldest "Science" book ever.
     Turning to the topic , this has been a hot topic from the time we understood The Mahabharat. Lets assume a general human behaviour. Did you ever image a story ? Of course you might have which is called Fiction. Now we can define fiction as ' story of imaginations' or 'story of mind'.
       Turning our attention back to the topic.So what I think is people in this 'KALYUG' - the New Era also write fiction.So why do we not assume that there might be fiction writers in the 'DWAPARA YUG ' - the Era in which Mahabharat occured .
         One of my thoery states that Mahabharat is pure story of fiction used by then 'Brahmins' - Hindu priests  Clan to dominate the 'Kshatriyas'- the Warrior Clan whose influnce was rising among the 'Shudra' and the 'Vaishya' - Common people which would end their importance.
         Moreover The Mahabharat was written by many Brahmins as its was passed down the Generations which would possibly help to edit the version and in turn help the community.This ends my First Thoery of The Mahabharat.
          In the next post I'll clarify my Second Theory of The Mahabharat. 
                    -  Prathamesh Akole


  1. A different point of view and I agree to that there must be fiction writers at that time.Amazing Idea man.


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